Ann _Ingram_IMG_0067

Ingram, Ann

Ann Ingram was born into the dog world, with a father who was a Terrier Specialist and a mother who introduced the Boxer Breed to Ireland, both were All Breeds Judges. She began to show dogs almost as soon as she could walk and under the Tirkane Prefix, she has bred or owned, over 100 Irish and 31 UK champions in Boxers, Boston Terriers, Poodles, and Lhasa Apsos, also 2 World Winners.

She was 16 when she started to judge, awarded CCs (UK) in Boxers aged 25, the youngster person ever to do so, and became F.C.I. All Breeds judge in 1984. She has judged in more than 50 countries, including Australian Royals, Crufts, World, European, Asian, and Scandinavian Winners Shows. She has judged all groups and best in show in UK on several occasions and is approved to award CCs in excess of 60 breeds across all 7 groups. This year she will judge the Working Group at Crufts and then Best In Show there, in 2024.


Bearded Collie, English Cocker Spaniel, Poodle Miniature, Black, Poodle Miniature, Brown, Poodle Miniature, Fawn, Poodle Miniature, Grey, Poodle Miniature, White

FCI Number

172ba, 172bb, 172bc, 172bd, 172be, 271, 5

FCI Group

1, 8, 9


2023.08.23, 2023.08.24, 2023.08.25


1, 3, 44